Rescue - Rehabilitation -
Release - Education
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Our Address:
23956 Green Acres Road
Dow, Illinois 62022
Our Email:
Office inquiries:
Animal Related email:
​Our Number:
(618) 466-2990
Mission Statement
"TreeHouse Wildlife Center is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization established in 1979 dedicated to the rescue, rehabilitation, and release of native wildlife while promoting environmental awareness through education."

Who We Are
TreeHouse is situated on 8 1/2 peaceful acres between Alton and Grafton, IL in the quiet town of Dow. We provide a professional community service to people in central and southern Illinois who encounter sick, injured, or orphaned wildlife.
TreeHouse Wildlife Center does not receive government funding. Rather, we operate on the kind donations of visitors and supporters, fundraisers, grants, and education program fees.
We invite you to tour our center and learn about the work we are committed to and passionate about!
Hours of Operation:
Gift Shop and Education Center: Friday - Monday
10am - 4pm
Permanent Resident Grounds: Sunday - Saturday 10am - 4pm
Injured/Orphaned Animal Intakes: Sunday - Saturday
8am - 5pm*
*Intake hours can vary due veterinary appointments, please call the center to confirm intake hours