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Ready to apply? Download our application by clicking on the link below! Drop off your completed application to TreeHouse, mail to 23956 Green Acres Road,  ATTN: Volunteer Application, Dow, IL 62022, or email to

Volunteer Program

Interested in joining our team? TreeHouse is operated mainly by dedicated individuals who volunteer their time. We have many volunteer opportunities at our center and we are always in need of more hands to keep the center going. Check out the volunteer opportunities and then download our volunteer application below to apply!  If you don't see anything matching your interests call us to talk about many other opportunities to get involved.

How to Apply

Animal Care Volunteer

Assist with all aspects of animal care at the center including cleaning enclosures, diet preparation and feeding, medical treatment, as well as maintaining the hospital area to keep a nice clean environment for animals and people alike. This volunteer must be 16 years or older (or have an adult present) and be able to commit to at least one shift every other week. Most volunteers commit to one shift weekly. Animal care shifts vary and we can work with your schedule.

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Education Volunteer

Assist with educating the public in on-site programs, tours of the center, off-site talks, booths, as well as greeting and orienting visitors. These volunteers are the face of TreeHouse and help teach the public and future generations to appreciate wildlife and the outdoors. Education volunteers also have the opportunity to learn how to handle, work with, and potentially train our education animals.

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Construction or Maintenance Volunteer

Assist with the maintenance of the building and enclosures as well as help build new structures! These volunteers play a vital role in keeping the center going through fixing any issues that may occur from storm damage to enclosures to broken doors in the building. Construction and Maintenance Volunteers are also involved in the planning and building of new structures on the grounds.

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Fundraising Volunteer

Assist with raising much needed funds and helping with donation drives for our center so we can continue to care for all of our wildlife patients and permanent residents! These volunteers meet at least once a month to discuss ideas, projects, and plan events to bring in more funding for the center. They also help run and coordinate events at the center such as our spring baby shower and our fall Owl Fest.

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Gardening and Landscaping Volunteer

Assist with the gardening and landscaping around the building and outdoor sanctuary! TreeHouse has been taking steps to include more native plants and gardens on our grounds.  We need the help of enthusiastic gardeners to create and maintain these garden areas! Have a few hours a week?  With 8.5 acres, lawn care is a must as there is always grass to cut and trees to trim.

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Wildlife Transporter

Can't commit to a scheduled shift but still want to help out with the animals? Consider volunteering as a wildlife transporter! These volunteers respond to calls in their area when  available. TreeHouse gets dozens of phone calls every day, sometimes about animals that are over an hour away from us! We need volunteers in these areas to check out the situation, rescue and transport when needed. These volunteers help us extend our reach to help more animals!

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Workday Volunteer

Can't commit to a scheduled shift but still want to help? Consider putting together a workday group with your scout program, employees, church, school, fraternity/sorority, or any group of friends who want to join in our mission to save animals.  Schedule your workday and spend a few hours working alongside our staff and volunteers.  You can make a difference without long term commitment and help save hours of work for our staff and volunteers.




© 2023 by TreeHouse Wildlife Center, Inc. 

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